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Nakon višemesečnih pregovora sa našim dugogodišnjim klijentom, kompanijom Continental, koji su rezultirali potpisom novog ugovora o izgradnji, krećemo sa radovima na  proširenju proizvodnog kompleksa u Novom Sadu. Potpisom ovog Ugovora ulazimo u četvrtu godinu  neprekidne i uspešne  saradnje sa kompanijom Continental koja je tokom prethodnog perioda prepoznala kvalitet i posvećenost naše kompanije i dala nam […]


LIDL u regionu

Sa velikim zadovoljstvom želimo da podelimo informaciju da smo nakon višemesečnih pregovora koji su iziskivali ekstremno zahtevan tenderski proces potpisali ugovore za izgradnju još dva distributivna centra za kompaniju LIDL. Usled višegodišnje uspešne saradnje na različitim projektima na teritoriji Srbije, kompanija LIDL nas je angažovala da za njihove potrebe izgradimo nove, velike distributivne centre van

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Prince Aviation

With great pleasure, we are sharing exceptional news! Following the successful completion of all necessary procedures and obtaining the building permit, we have commenced construction work on the Aircraft Maintenance Workshop and Spare Parts Warehouse for the esteemed airline company “Prince Aviation”. This facility is located at Belgrade Airport, ensuring optimal accessibility and efficiency. As

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Energogroup understands the importance of fostering a sense of unity among its team members. Our recent team-building trip to winery near Belgrade exemplifies our commitment to creating an environment where employees truly feel like a part of a cohesive team. Engaging in shared activities, from exploring the winery to participating in sports competitions, strengthens our



We are excited to announce another amazing project –  contract with the globally recognized Microsoft. Energogroup, a leading general contractor, is embarking on an exciting new project – Microsoft office space facility. We are thrilled to announce that we have signed a contract with the prestigious global giant, Microsoft, in the development of their state-of-the-art



MTU “AVIONCIC” Within the premises of the MTU factory in Stara Pazova, the “AVIONCIC” daycare center has been officially opened, marking a significant milestone in the community development and childcare. This daycare center is the result of the request from MTU investors, and its construction was swiftly executed by Energogroup using the “design and build”approach,

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Banovo Brdo Residences

O DIŠI ZDRAVO I URBANO Banovo Brdo Residences predstavlja vrhunski rezidencijalni projekat koji je rezultat dugogodišnjeg timskog rada dva vodeća investitora – Energogroup doo Beograd i Advokatske kancelarije Tatjane Milićević. Energogroup doo Beograd je lider u regionu u oblasti projektovanja, građevinskih radova i investiranja, sa iskustvom od preko 25 godina i preko 1.000.000 m2 izgrađenih

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During this summer, we are continuing to sign contracts with renowned international companies. We are delighted to announce that ENERGOGROUP has been selected as the General Contractor for the new Palfinger plant factory in Niš. As a world-famous producer of cranes and lifting systems, our new client offers us a great opportunity for cooperation. Under


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